Random Questions

Where were you 3 hours ago?

Nggak kemana- mana, di rumah. Lagi nungguin Opera Van Java mulai tuh. hahaha

Who are you in love with?


Have you ever eaten a crayon?

Crayon? Nggak pernah.

Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?

Ada. Flasdisk gue

When is the last time you went to the mall?

hahahaha kapan ya ? Sebulan yang lalu kayaknya

Are you wearing socks right now?

Kalo Indonesia ada winter, mungkin sekarang gue lagi pakai.

When was the last time you drove out of town?

Tiap hari. Kota Jakarta - Kota Bekasi - Kota Depok

Do you have any pets?

Nggak. gue nggak punya binatang peliharaan, terakhir gue punya, ikan

What color shirt are you wearing?


Name three things that are physically close to you:

Computer, Mouse , and Keyboard

What is the last book you read?

Statistika 1 by Lind, maybe ? hahahaha

Are you or were you a good student?

Insya Allah iya, Amin. hahahaha

What's your favorite sport?


Do you enjoy sleeping late?

yes, I do

What's the weather like right now?

Sedang, nggak panas nggak dingin (kayak mesen teh manis)

Who tells the best jokes?

Ohno Satoshi, Masaki Aiba, Ninomiya Kazunari, Sho Sakurai, and Matsumoto Jun

What was the last thing you dreamed about?

Nggak inget

Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?

No. Bulan ini gue akan masuk sekolah nyetir. Penting sekarang cewek bisa nyetir

Do you believe in karma?


Do you believe in luck?

50-50 Gue lebih percaya kolaborasi antara Luck dan kerja keras

Do you collect anything? If so, what?

Nggak ada yang gue koleksi. Paling cuma photo Arashi. hahahaha

Are you proud of yourself?


What's your favorite food?

Nasi Goreng. Gampang nggak tuh !!

Have you ever had a secret admirer?


Do you like the smell of gasoline?


Do like to draw?

Jangankan suka, gambar aja nggak bisa.

Is your room messy?


What do you like better: oranges or apples?


Are you a good guesser?

I think , Yes!

Can you read other people's expressions?


What time did you wake up this morning?

08.30 pagi

What did you eat for breakfast this morning?

Nggak sarapan

When was the last time you showered?

7 jam yang lalu

What do you plan on doing tomorrow?

Download Concert Arashi
Beresin kamar

What's your favorite day of the week and why?

SABTU. Karena besoknya libur

Do you have any nicknames?


Have you ever been scuba diving?


What's your least favorite color?


Is there someone you have been constantly thinking about? If yes, who?

YES. Arashi (gimana bukan mereka, sekarang website yang gue buka tentang mereka semua)

Do you enjoy challenges?


What's the last movie you saw?


What do you want to know about the future?

Kehidupan rumah tangga gue, dan jadi apa gue nanti

What does your last text message say?

Dari Provider, nggak penting

Who was the last person you spoke over the phone to?

PUTRI ATHIRAH. Dia nelpon gue berkali- kali cuma nanya tiket masuk Atlantis, Dufan berapa harganya.

What's your favorite school subject?


Would you rather have money or love?


What is your dream vacation?

Ke Jepang dan nonton konser Arashi

What is your favorite animal?

Karena gue baru aja nonton The Cove, jadi jawabannya Lumba- lumba

Do you miss anyone right now?


What's the last sporting event you watched?


Do you need to do laundry?


Do you listen to the radio?


What do you do when vending machines steal your money?

Tendang itu Vending Machines

Have you ever caught a butterfly?


What color are your bed sheets?

Yellow and Blue

What's your ringtone?

Nggak tau namanya. hahahaha

Who was the last person to make you laugh?


Do you have any obsessions right now?


What's your favorite fruity scent?


Do you watch cartoons?


Name three things in the world you dislike:

Koneksi internet yang lama, Distance, and Macet

Name three people in the world you dislike:

Faisal Akbar, Justin Beiber, and Shibasaki Kou

Do you like sushi?


Do you believe in magic?


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